Thursday, January 29, 2009

Developing mobile applications using Gear episode 7: Work with EventManager and async messages

With this tutorial we're going to learn the basic concepts behind EventManager class and how we can send asynchronous messages across our Midlet with Gear Java Mobile Framework. To better understand this guide, we suggest you to read at least this post about configuring Eclipse and to download Gear's latest release (1.2.0).

1.0 EventManager:

Working with Gear in most cases requires to use EventManager class to dispatch asynchronous messages to other Objects within your MIDlet. It's implemented following the Singleton pattern so there will be only one instance of it during execution time and you can reference it wherever you want inside your code via public method getInstance(). Let's go on how to use this class and its methods.

1.1 Events

Every message you want to be forwarded through EventManager must derive from the abstract class Event. It contains the basic structure and methods to keep track of the sending Object and category. Here's an example:
public class ConnectionClosed extends Event {
// Public constructor with empty EventArgs object
public HideMidlet(Object sender){
// Public constructor with user defined EventArgs
public HideMidlet(Object sender, ConnectionClosedEventArgs eventArgs){
super(sender, eventArgs);
// Override of getCagegory method to return the desired type
public Category getCategory() {
return Category.APPLICATION;
1.2 EventArg

As you noticed in last example, you can assign some custom defined arguments to an event to pass on additional data to the receiving Object. To achieve this, you have to extend EventArg class and implement your own private fields along with proper getter and setters. Here's an example:
public class ConnectionClosedEventArgs extends EventArg {
private ConnectionStatus connectionStatus;

public ConnectionClosedEventArgs(ConnectionStatus connectionStatus) {
this.connectionStatus = connectionStatus;

public ConnectionStatus getConnectionStatus() {
return connectionStatus;

where ConnectionStatus is a user defined class containing additional information about the reason for connection termination.

1.3 Dispatch events

This task is pretty simple. Suppose Object A wants to send some message to Object B (we'll see on the next poit how B will actually receive it). All it have to do is to obtain a reference to EventManager and enqueue the desired message, wrapped inside an Event object.
EventManager.getInstance().enqueueEvent(new MyEvent(this))
That's it. In this particular case, we're sending a MyEvnet (which derives from Event class) and we don't have to care about anything else. EventManager will internally manage our request and dispatch it. Notice we passed "this" parameter to the Event constructor to allow a reference of the original sender to be kept.

1.4 Register and receive Events

In order to receive an Event, an Object must first implement an interface named EventHost and thus it's only method
public void notify(Event event);
and secondly register itself to EventManager by calling
public void registerHost(EventHost host, Event.Category category)
where the second argument is one of the categories mentioned before. A class that is registered to at least one Event.Category will be notified of incoming messages. Whenever you need to unregister an Object from EventManager you can call
public void removeHost(EventHost host)
to totally remove it from the queue or
public void removeHost(EventHost host, Event.Category category)
if you just want to stop being notified for a specific category of events.

1.5 Events and GearMIDlet

By default, GearMidlet register itself to APPLICATION and GRAPHICS categories inside its base constructor, but if you need to be aware of more Events or less you can register/unregister from EventManager as seen in previous sections.

2.0 Putting it all together

With all the concepts from previous section, we can now create a GearMidlet with full support for asynchronous messages:

public class GearTouchDemo extends GearMidlet {

protected boolean onDestroy() {
return true;

protected void onPause() {


protected void onStart() throws MIDletStateChangeException {
// Enqueue a request to display MainMenu user interface
EventManager.getInstance().enqueueEvent(new DisplayWidget(this, MainMenu.class));

public class MainMenu extends GWGrid {
public MainMenu(){
addItem("Photo browser", "/icons/c1.png");
addItem("Drops", "/icons/c2.png");
addItem("None", "/icons/c3.png");
addItem("Nothing here", "/icons/c4.png");
setTitle("Main menu");
setCommandListener(new MainMenuCommandListener());

public void itemClicked(ImageItem clickedItem) {
if (commandListener != null){
commandListener.commandAction(CommonCommands.SELECT, this);

public void selectElement(){
switch (getSelectedIndex()){
case 0:
// Enqueue a request to display MainMenu user interface
EventManager.getInstance().enqueueEvent(new DisplayWidget(this, PhotoBrowser.class));
case 1:
// Enqueue a request to terminate the MIDlet.
EventManager.getInstance().enqueueEvent(new QuitEvent(this));
displayAlert("Function not implemented");


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Develop Ogre3D applications using Eclipse on Mac OS X

This tutorial will lead you trough all the steps required to configure Eclipse for Ogre 3D applications development on Mac OS X.

To perform the tasks described in this tutorial it is necessary for you to setup a basic development system including:
Application creation
To create your first application start Eclipse and select New -> C++ Project from the File menu.
Now select Hello World C++ Project and give it a name (let's say MyFristOgreApp).

Application configuration
The application is now created, but is not connected in any way to Ogre, thus any ogre specific code, if compiled, would give compilation, link and run-time errors.
To solve this problem you have to include the Ogre framework in your application, and make the project aware of the Ogre and Carbon frameworks position.
  1. Right-click on your project name in the Project Explorer and select Import, then select import from File System.
    Browse to the Dependencies directory of the OgreSDK folder, select the subfolders and then import it in the Frameworks subdir for your project.

  2. Now right-click again on your project name in the Project Explorer and select Properties.
    Move to C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols and press the Add button.
    Select Frameworks/Ogre.framework/Header directory in you workspace and check Add to all configurations, Add to all languages and Is a workspace path.
    Do the same for Frameworks/Cg.framework/Header and Frameworks/include directories.
    Press Add again, select /Developer/Headers/FlatCarbon folder and check only Add to all configurations, Add to all languages this time.

  3. Move to Library Paths tab and press Add; again check Add to all configurations, Add to all languages and Is a workspace path and add Framworks/lib/Release directory.

  4. Now select C/C++ Build ->Settings from the tree menu on the left and set the configuration selector to [ All configurations ].
    Click on C++ Linker -> Libraries and add ois to Libraries

  5. Finally click on C++ Linker -> Miscellaneous and write -F${CWD}/../Frameworks -framework Ogre -framework Carbon -framework IOKit -framework Cg in the Linker flags text box.

Last bug-fix
Now your IDE is correctly configured but your application will not compile due to an error within the Frameworks/Ogre.framework/Headers/OSX/OgreTimerImp.h file. Edit this file and change the line #include <ogre/OgrePrerequisites.h> to #include <OgrePrerequisites.h>.

Conclusion and last hints
Now this setup will allow you to compile any Ogre based application, however, if you want to work with Ogre official tutorials, you have to go through some further steps:
  1. Import in you application the headers required by the tutorial you are working on (most of the times ExampleApplication.h and ExampleFrameListener.h are required).
    You can find them in the Samples directory of your OgreSDK.
  2. Import the Media directory of your OgreSDK into your project's root (this directory contains all the tutorials required textures, models, etc... )
  3. Import the .cfg files from you OgreSDK and modify them to match the path of your Media directory (typically ../Media is good).
  4. Add this command: install -d ${CWD}/Contents/Resources && cp -f ${CWD}/../*.cfg ${CWD}/Contents/Resources to your project's Post-build step (set it in the Build steps tab of the C/C++ Build -> Settings configuration form and remember to do it for all configurations)

Monday, January 19, 2009 FAQ

In this little FAQ I will address some common questions about

First things first, what's this thing all about ? is a Rich Web 2.0 Interactive Ajax Enabled Multimedia Videoclip Streaming Internet Application (oh yes and also iSomething).
Said with poorer words, it's a Web application based on a very simple concept: create an enhanced experience with YouTube.
In straight words, a continuous stream of YouTube videoclips without the hassle of clicking on next video's link.

How to reach this paradise ?
Simply go to website and start using it

What can i do with it?
Well, you can search YouTube media library for your favourite videoclips and watch them one after another.

Ok, but how ?
The easiest way is to put in some keywords into the tex box on the homepage, then you can press on the GO! button and enjoy your videclips.
Following you can find two screenshots along with some explaination about other functions.

This is the main search page for

  • Keyword to search for: here you can insert your keywords separated by a space
  • Ordering: this selection determines which order your results will be displayed (default is by most relevant to lesser)
  • Filter criteria: these options let you filter and further optimize your search results by selecting only ones that match checked categories (this is very usefull for music :P )
  • Recent tags: just to remember what you have searched so far
  • Popular tags: the classic Web 2.0 tag cloud containing most used keywords by every user browsing through (you can click them to add to your search)
  • Submit Button: the button with a "Go!" label. As it's name suggests, it starts your experience. Plain and simple.

This is an example of a result page

  • Current video: Just to remember you what are you looking at. Also contains a link to the original media on YouTube
  • Playlist: a strip with the thumbnails of your search results. You can scroll it and peek what will be the next videoclip to be shown.
  • Remove button: by hovering over a thumbnail you will be able to exclude it from the playlist by simply clicking on this red button (you can then restore it by pressing it again)
  • Link button: have you found a particular playlist you want to share with your best friends ? Here's a link to show them from this point on.

Who developed this marvel ?
digitalapes, of course ;)

Now tell me the real thing: how much does it cost ?
Nothing. is absolutly costless and ad-free. The only thing we ask you is to give us a little of feedback on your experience. That's it.

What am I waiting for ?
Don't know ... go visit